Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Our Taylor-Tots"

Elsie is our oldest. She is 6 years old and an ablsolute angel. Not to say she doesn't get into her fair share of mischief, but she is down right tenderhearted and caring. Our little blonde haired, blue eyed girl. ELSIE'S MOTTO: "EVERYTHING GOOD IN LIFE, IS PINK AND SPARKLES." Elsie is very smart and a very deep little thinker for her age. Questions from Elsie often provoke very interesting conversations for our lil' family. She also loves to dance and is a great student, but is strongly campaigning for changing school days for 1st graders to half days because it feels like "188 hours long!" I love her so much!

Lillie is our 2nd Taylor Tot. Lillie is our dark haired, dark eyed spit-fire. Lillie is a fiesty lil' thang. She is very passionate and determined at everything she does. When Lillie sets her mind to something, nothing is going to stop her. Not mom, dad, brothers, sister, police officers, nobody! (See "Lillies's run in with the Law" post to hear about Lillie's encounter with the South Jordan police.) Lillie is also a "girly girl" and always is accompanied by her "stuff." Quite often Lillie has 3 or 4 dolls, a purse, handfulls of odds and end papers, and is usually hiding someone else toys in her entourage of treasures. She cracks me up. Lillie is so concerned about others and nurtures and cuddles everything she has...even her brothers cars. (Much to her brothers dismay!) Oh, how I love Lillie's cuddles. Lillie is also our Taylor Singer. So far I would vote Lillie most likely to follow in her daddy's musical footsteps. She loves to make up songs and belt them out at the top of her lungs, anywhere we are. Carpool, grocery store, even sacrament meeting! Sorry Bishop Simpson!) Lillie, I love you!

Blake is a miniature Anthony to a "T". Everytime Grandma Sandy is with Blake she can't get over the mini-Anth. He is our bright blonde, blue eyed little man. Blake has so much personality in his three year old little body. He is always picking up on the funniest little catch phrases. His latest that Grandpa Lon taught him and he loves to say is "I stand all amazed!" He is very athletic and is grandpa's and daddy's little buddies. He loves to build things, fix things, break open things and just generally be a boy. His favorites of all his toys right now are his "Tow-mater" car, his flashlight and key ring full of keys from Grandpa. (He tries to open every lock he sees with his keys. ( At the Wheeler Farm a few weeks ago with the Taylor cousins, he tried to "Free" every animal at the farm with his keys. Luckily nothing was freed, except Blake and Tyce. His adorable cousin and partner in crime that day. I think we had to search for those 2 at least 3 or 4 times that day!) Blake is so awesome! I love him so much!

Boston is our little baby, but isn't too little anymore. (Sniff, sniff) Boston was our 5 week early teeny tiny premature baby who is now 19 months old and solid as a ROCK! He is hilarious! Oh boy, does he have a set of lungs! With 4 kids all within 4 1/2 years of each other, he has had to learn quickly to let others know what he wants... He's chosen a shrill scream as his form of, "Boston needs something!" That is one we are definitley working on diligently. Once again, Sorry Bishop as well as every one living under our roof! Boston also loves to snuggle under the covers with his sipper cup. Usually with Grandma or Mommy! I am predicting that Boston will at some point climb some amazing mountain because I swear that is all he does at home....climb. My moms baby grand piano has the footprints on top to prove it! He has the most infectious giggle and it makes me want to wrestle with hime and tickle him constantly. He adores Elsie and Lillie and searches for them while they are gone at pre-school and the Charter school. He is also, like Lillie... another dark eyed mommy look alike. I love you Baby Boston!


Becky said...

LOVE the cute descriptions of your kiddos. They are precious. I miss seeing you all every week.

Brooke said...

I love your kids! We love to play with you guys. How could it not be fun with 9 kids under the age of 7?? Thanks for being our friends!

Stef said...

Mandi!!! Oh my goodness how are you? Can I just say how excited I am that I found your blog. I am new at this and still trying to get mine going but I am so glad to see you guys have one. I cannot believe how grown up your girls are, and I didn't even know you had two more kids! They are all beautiful!!! Where are you guys at these days?

Nicole said...

You have the sweetest kids. We miss you all so much!

Britton said...

Hey Mandi - Your kids are darn cute and have very very cool names! I'm partial to Blake and Boston as you might imagine.
Hope all is well. Check out our family blog when you have a second.