Thursday, October 23, 2008

Let's Get This Thang Started...CATCHIN' YA UP!

Well, I have officially joined the world of Blogging. That's BLOGGING, NOT CLOGGING. (That must stay in the past...way in the past...Yeeeehhhaaa!) We have so many of our family members out of state that I thought this would help us all stay connected. And... this is the closest I am going to get to journaling, at least until I have a few more kids in school. So, here goes nothing.

Here is the background story to catch ya'll up-to-date with our family. The last 6 months of our lives would best be described as "IN LIMBO." We had been living in Herriman, Utah for the last 4 1/2 years and loved every minute of it. In July we sold our house in order to move up into a bigger house for our quickly expanding family. Our house sold surprisingly super fast in this crazy market. When it was time to move we had not found a home, so...we moved in with my mom and dad in Riverton. My parents had a spare room and so graciously offered it. Yes, all 6 of us... in 1 room. Luckily, the girls are now sleeping downstairs in a spare room with Ashley & Brant (my lil' sister, Ashley, her hubby and baby also live downstairs while they are in college.) The girls share a bed and look so cute all snuggled together in the morning. You are probably thinking, "Hello it is now mid October and you haven't been able to find a home in almost 4 months." Let me just say the foreclosure/short sale market in Herriman right now is INSANE!!! We have had multiple offers on multilpe homes, and still ZIP, ZILCH, NADA!!!! But, I feel very at peace with Heavenly Father putting our home in our lap when the circumstances are right. Until then, I am SO grateful for the continual patience of my family. Although, I will be so excited, to once again have my fridge in the house and my clothes out of the garage. The changing weather is making changing clothes a wee bit chilly! BRRRRR! (Not to mention Anthony's and the kids new game of hitting the 'up button' on the garage door and locking the door when mom is changing clothes. Ha Ha... it was funny maybe the first 3 times. Now, VERY OLD GUYS!!!!

***WHAT IS THE BEST PERK TO LIVING WITH 3 FAMILIES UNDER ONE ROOF? 11 PEOPLE TOTAL HEAD COUNT...Mulitple women to help with chores, kids and cooking! (Whose turn is it to cook, anyways?)


Brooke said...

I absolutely love it!!! I'm so excited to be able to see your family's cute faces every day!! I miss you. I'm glad we still see and talk to each other often though. You know I just HAD to be the first one to leave you a comment! Welcome girlfriend! (Although I thought Anthony did a good job on the other blog too!)
Love ya!

Krista Miller said...

I love the pictures on the side, they are all so dang cute! I hope you keep updating with all your family happenings. Later Tater!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so your last comment sounds kinda' like polygamy, except there is more than one Mommy in the house. j/k You know I loves ya'! I'm jealous that everyone is seeing you but ME! What's up with that? Come by and play sometime, with or without kids, your choice.
Love ya'!

Joe and Monica DuPaix said...

love your blog mandi! your kids are beautiful!

Keelee said...

Yay! Welcome welcome!!! It's so fun to see pics of your beautiful family! Sounds like you've had pretty crazy last few months. Love you!

Dan and Heidi Dowdle said...

Welcome Mandi!! I'm happy to see this up and running/posting. Your kiddos look adorable as always (you and Anthony do too). I know you want your own home again, but I actually like having you guys so dang close!! Check out our Dowdle Dayz blog. Love ya!1


Carlye Momma said...

Yay! We miss you so much!!! Your pictures of your kiddies are DARLING! We're having our primary program Sunday and it just won't be the same without the Taylor kiddies!

MISS YOU HONEY! I hope you find a home soon!!!


(oh...I think the garage door game is HILARIOUS...btw!)