My awesome sis-in-law, Amanda Taylor "tagged" me and gave me these rules and categories to fill in. FUN! Here it goes! Some new insights to our fam.
The rules:
1. List three items in each category (JOYS, FEARS, GOALS)
2. Tag three other people you would like to hear from
3. Get to know your friends and family
JOYS...This one is easy!
1. First off would have to be Anthony. We have been married almost 11 years now. Oh, how time flies. We have been through so much in those short 11 years and have a very deep love to show for it. I know Anthony loves me. He works so hard to provide for our family. He is so disciplined in EVERYTHING he does. He amazes me. He makes me want to be a better person. I love him so much and I am so grateful for him and for our committment to eternity...together. Some of my favorite times with Anth are when we are laughing and snuggling while we watch a movie. I love you ANTH!
2. Definitely has to be my kids. Oh boy, I've got joy! I can't believe how much satisfaction my lil' family brings me. I revel daily at my kids... not in a prideful way. I'm just amazed at the strength of their spirits in the Latter Days. Even at my little ones ages, 6, 5, 3 1/2 and 2, I see the valiant spirits Heavenly Father has sent to us. I think all the kids and youth in these times are that way. Wow! What an amazing honor and responsibility is ours as parents of these "Saturdays Warriors." Gosh, I love my 4 precious lil' Taylor tots so much it hurts sometimes! Sounds so cheesey but here it comes... "They complete me!"
3. Here somes the "Sunday School answer"... can't avoid it though. It is the deepest, truest part of my being. My love and knowledge of my Savior and Father in Heaven. I can't imagine what my life would be like without the gospel. It brings such peace and real joy to me... not temporary happiness, but joy that fills my whole soul. I can't picture raising my children without the standards and truthfulness of the Plan of Salvation. It is the perfect plan. One that could only be created by a most loving and merciful Father. I know Jesus Christ is MY redemmer and through his gospel I can have "No empty Chairs" at my table. FAITH~FAMILY~FOREVER
Ok, anyone who even remotely knows me knows I am a worrier. So fears are something I have plenty of (Unfortunately... true. I'm working on it though.)
1. I have a horrible fear of my kids being hit by cars. (Or to lose them in any other way I guess.)Not sure why, maybe because of my high school best friend had his little brother hit by a car and killed. OR...Maybe it was from this horrible show I watched as a kid of a hit and run. (I still get images in my head from that show.) When I have my kids with me (99.9% of the time) I'm a nervous wreck in parking lots, crossing roads, riding bikes, etc. I'm so afraid they will wander out in front of a car. Makes me feel physically ill to even think about it. (Hold my hand, everyone hold hands, don't leg go... DON'T LET GOOOO!) I know it drives Anthony nuts, but I...I...I... can't help it. It is also accompanied by a strong fear of car accidents. Oh it gives me the shivers. I think about it every time I am in the car. Probably makes me a very cautious driver, but it also gives me a stomach ache. It drives Anth crazy too. Sorry Honey, you married a weirdo;)
2. SNAKES! Can't say it enough! SNAKES, SNAKES, SNAKES. Little, big, gardner, water, rattler..all of the above. We have been in our new home in The Cove for about 2 months now. DON'T ASK ME WHY THIS DIDN'T OCCUR TO ME BEFORE, BUT THERE IS A STUPID (YET BEAUTIFUL) MOUNTAIN IN MY BACKYARD!!! HELLO!!! MOUNTAIN...UTAH...HOT, DRY DESERT...RATTLE SNAKES...UNFINISHED BACKYARD...LOTS OF BIG ROCKS FOR THEM TO HIDE... YOUNG, UNAWARE, CURIOUS KIDS!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH...CAN'T BREATHE! Ok...deep breath, calm, calm, calm. This fear was just intensified by learning that our friends and neighbors, The Carlsons found a baby rattlesnake in their gargage. I was also informed that the babies are the most venomous because they can not yet control the amount of venom they give you. Those giving little buggars just give you all they've got. Oh, I think I need to lay down, I'm getting dizzy. CAN WE SAY IRRATIONAL FEAR? BUT IS IT REALLY THAT IRRATIONAL. My point exactly! UGH!
3. Third fear, losing Anthony. I really fear Anthony dying and leaving me alone. (Especially worry about him dying in a car accident.) I feel at peace knowing that we are sealed, but feel terrified at the thought of living OUR mortal life without HIM. I have played it out so many times in my mind. What would I do? I've learned from my mother-in-law that life does go on. You can find happiness again and that you can make it, but it still scares me.
Well, well, well. I have just re-read my FEAR section. I really sound un-stable. Yikes! I really am a stable and level-headed person. Maybe I need to find myself a good therapist. Sounds like a I may have a few "issues" to work though. Ha ha! Just kidding. I can't because I am afraid of therapists... just kidding. That was funny! I am totally laughing at my own joke! A good one at that!